
Joshua Berk is a product guy – focused on radically improving urban livability (including: energy, architecture, logistics, governance, health, commerce, etc.). Previously, he helped develop integrated, objective-based marketing solutions to achieve direct response and brand goals, otherwise known as: "optimizing/hacking growth channels." During his free time, he travels and plays with code.

As the Founder of BERK Labs, he enjoys collaborating with innovative, daring people who seek to use technology for the benefit of the world in profound and meaningful ways.

Want to Join the Squad?

We're an experienced collective of partners who contribute to each project in unique ways -- if you'd like to help, please pass along whatever showcases your talent. We'd love to hear from you!

Need Help with Your Next Project?

We offer expertise in distribution strategy, branding, design, and technology selection ... plus, a large network of entrepreneurs, advisors and investors -- whatever you need, we're here to help.

Let's build something great together.

Joshua J. Berk
Founder, BERK Labs --