Can't seem to get a handle on your marketing? BERK Labs is here to help.
We can help write, transcribe, or distribute your video or podcast content.
Use Promo Code VIDEO at Checkout for 5% off your next project with us.

Our friends at Cross River Pictures needed an excuse to test some new film equipment -- so we thought it was a perfect opportunity to dance like buffoons. Without further ado, please enjoy "It's Not Unusual."
To inquire about filming needs for your business, please say hello to Sean!

As a radio DJ @ WZBC, we broadcasted an eclectic blend of music in a weekly (three hour) program to the greater Boston area. The station is completely operated by full-time undergraduates at Boston College. Working there taught us to value and appreciate the diversity of ideas, opinions and tastes of our community. The playlist (above) includes some samples of the performances that visited our studio. Programming is on all the time -- listen for yourself!